I mostly work on my iPad Pro (for 4 years used the 12.9" 2017 iPad pro + apple pencil, now I used the 12.9" iPad Pro M1 + apple pencil 2) and mostly use Procreate app. I also use Adobe Photoshop and other desktop and ipad apps when I need. For 3D reference stuff I have sculpted/modeled, I use Blender.

Possibly no. In the past I would have answered that as yes/maybe but now I know what I want to do, for now. I will continue drawing random character doodles of them and maybe small animated clips if I ever have the patience, but the main things divide into what I want to explore using digital and traditional mediums!Overall, this is the way I've chosen to tell their stories:Digitally:
I want to tell their story digitally not with comics, but with little moments in the style of "movie" frames, and I don’t want to exactly follow a story from beginning to end, hence why I say it's non-chronological. Just telling random moments, from small to big, in a non linear order - like its random memories! I might suddenly feel like showing a moment where they are having a nice couples time, and next time I will make one from when they still didn't even like each other as people yet, for example.
I feel that like this I have total creative freedom, and one thing that helped bring this to light was the cinematic/movie aesthetic, instead of doing it in comic format. Maybe one day I can also do animatics, so I can control the timings of each image/scene and the impact I want them to have (I love long pauses, for example, but can't control the viewer experience when it's just images)
I haven't touched much of traditional art for a while now, although I love it. I love mixed media... I think that if I start doing some traditional work again, I want it to be just random expressions of whatever I feel with them. Maybe a bit abstract, maybe just very weird looking. I don't want it to follow rules. In the past traditional art helped me express like this without getting stuck on "correct" anatomy, specific looks, etc, and it's something I can't really feel with digital for some reason. So maybe in the near future, I will get this spark again!

I will write a bit of info when the Portfolio site is done and will post here, so... Stay tuned.In the meantime, if you go to my Instagram Story Highlights, I randomly wrote some Instagram Stories about a bunch of random information and story lore. Will write more in the future!

And obviously, you can also check my storytelling art and doodles on both IG and Twitter. I also have guides on my IG about each storytelling image, giving context to each post.A little terminology for when I might mention timelines:

  • Present: Mid-late '90s. This includes when they first met at work and up to being already quite comfortable as couple Manny is from '67 and Patrick is from '65, and they met when they were 28 and 30, respectively.

  • Past: Before they met. This can include their childhood, teens, college time and almost Present time, just before they met.

  • Future: Anything after what I consider the Present, even up to when they are in their 50s and 60s and such. (Although, I could consider some moments that might be from very early 2000's as Present too, so just wanted to say that).

If you have come across my social media, you have clearly noticed I only draw my characters, Manny and Patrick (and sometimes some other people in their universe, obviosuly). Who are they? In very basic terms, they are two men of different walks of life who met each other in their early 30s, who become friends and then lovers, and whose present time is the mid-late 90s.But outside of that, Manny and Patrick are basically my creative muses for the last years. Due to a bunch of life circumstances, they ended up manifested and popped into existence and I happened to meet them and get to know them over the years. They’ve been there for me when no one else could, when I was going through grief, gave me inspiration to multiple things and have even saved my life. Ultimately, they give me inspiration to continue creating art on my free time because, honestly, I was kind of bored of doing it anyway. So it's great to have found the fun in doing art for myself again! My passion isn't only related to making art, so I'm glad they exist to inspire me to grow as an artist and try new things, but also to get to know myself!Although Manny and Patrick are their own unique people, separate from me and with their own lives and personalities, both of them do have a lot of different parts of me and my own personal experiences (based of, metaphorically or as parallels; Some stuff just completely different due to their own life circumstances, that again, are very different than mine). With them I can explore past and present fears and doubts, mental health issues, neurodivergency, sexual and sexuality themes (myself being LGBT too), change and growth, and much more. And since they are their own person, I also learn a lot from both of them, from self introspection, what makes me happy and who am I as a person.
I see them as my own story of self compassion: both external personifications of different parts of me, balancing all sides and growing together and falling in love. (i know, corny, but its the truth)
They’re a huge part of me and my daily life and will continue to be so for many years to come. Hope you can enjoy their life, moments and their journey of growth and change as people! 💖

Well… who said I haven't?
You can find my NSFW art on my private Twitter account, and Pillowfort ** account.
If you send a follow request, please have age in bio or send me a DM!

Either way, it's not something I do a lot of, it's very sporadically. Most of it are sketches, and some do tend to have storytelling and character development in them. Sexual intimacy is part of their life and story: sexuality is quite important for them and also a big part of their growth story. So it's obvious that I want to tell those stories - some in a very public way. So some of my art in my public accounts might have some story moments (and some doodles) that will include some SFW suggestive content. Also, artistic nudity.**
But if I start doing more NSFW, especially more in the storytelling frames aesthetic, then I will need to see how and where to post so it reaches more people. Maybe put them together as little collections beyond a small pay wall or something. Again, not really sure yet.

I get this asked a few times, and the short answer is for now they are all closed upon specific conditions.Commissions: Not open
Requests: No, unless I make a specific IG/twitter post about it for the time being.
If you mean art prompt requests for Manny and Patrick content (which I've been asked about) then sure, go ahead! Doesn't mean I will do it, or might do it later, but I'm always looking for inspiration or things people would love to see about them! :)
Trades: No/Maybe.